Cs Portable

counter strike portable for android
Counter strike portable
Who is not familiar with Counter Strike, even I used to spend more than 3 years of actively playing this one game. But along with the development of new games, many that offer variety and graphics are so much better that I and probably many of the readers who ultimately chose to retire. But it seems that now I can go back again into the world of FPS multiplayer gaming actively through Critical Strike Portable.

In short, clear and concise Critical Strike Counter Strike Portable is a portable form. Maybe you could say 95% resemblance to Counter Strike. But let this review from the perspective of the game itself without associating with Counter Strike (though it will be very difficult with a 95% level of similarity including the famous map like de_dust 2).

Critical Strike Portable has two main modes, namely single and multiplayer. Basically these two modes is exactly the same but the difference in single player you will play with AI bots or dimultiplayer while you will play with the players from all over the world. And one thing that is nice is that you will never trouble finding games in multiplayer mode because there are so many people who play this game. Even through its website they have mengclaim that this game has been downloaded over 2 million times.

There are several types of games here, such as Team Death Match, Classic, Zombie, Survival and Juggernaut. So this provides enough interesting spice to the game itself. Once you play it you are required to select your team: terrorist or counter terrorist and the excitement to begin. Your goal simple, kill the enemy who looks or moves.

Turned out to be very difficult to discuss this without associating it with the game Counter Strike because it is so similar, both from maps, weapons, armor and control. But even so Critical Strike do very well, as if you were playing counter strike in your gadget which is a wonderful thing.

How To Install

download apk and install and play no need any data


Armv7 and those mobiles who hv high gpu
hvga, qvga, wvga, hd


counter strike portable for android

counter strike portable for android


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.

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